Diabetic Footcare in Counties Across Ireland
If you have diabetes you should be seeing your podiatrist for a foot screening once every six months.
During your foot screening, we will check a number of different aspects of your foot health. Our Podiatrists will do a thorough check of your pulses, skin condition, nails, capillary refill, and monofilament check. We will also check your reactions to vibration, to hot/cold and your reflexes. Finally our Podiatrists will do a full foot posture check and well as high risk foot check.
Our Treatment
Based on the results you will be advised on how to proceed with your diabetic foot care. These foot screens are so important to catch problems early on so that further complications can be avoided. Diabetes can affect the feet in different ways:
• Loss of sensation (diabetic neuropathy)
• Diabetic foot ulcers
• Poor Blood flow (Peripheral Vascular Disease)
Our Podiatrists have a vast clinical expertise in the management of Diabetic foot related conditions and so we understand the importance of foot care for diabetic patients. We provide safe and effective treatment specific to you, to help you manage your condition in the best possible way.
It's highly advisable that those with diabetes do not cut their own nails due to the risk of infection.
What Our Podiatrists Say
Our Podiatrists understand the importance of regular foot health checks and provide specialist care for diabetic patients. Our Podiatrists will also provide advice on preventative methods as well as advice on general foot care for diabetic patients if necessary.
Matthew Smith, BSc Podiatry SCPI
Contact Our Team
If you require additional help with booking your appointment, fill in the form for a member of our team to contact you as soon as possible.