Blisters may be small, but that doesn't mean they aren't painful. Blisters are something that affect every single person in their life at one point or another. There are lots of different causes and treatments out there, so this blog aims to give a comprehensive summary of everything to do with blisters.
First of all, what are blisters? You probably know what they look like already: small bubbles on the skin, filled with a clear fluid. This fluid is lymph, which contains our white blood cells and helps clean our bloodstream. The fluid will be either serum, the fluid that makes up the majority of lymph, or plasma, the thicker gel that surrounds blood cells.
Blisters can form for many reasons, such as burning, friction, or infection. The bubble forms as a result of one of these damaging factors in order to protect the lower levels of skin from sustaining any further harm.
Because blisters form as a result of external factors, literally anyone can get a blister, regardless or age, sex, race etc. However, some people will sustain more blisters throughout their lives if they engage heavily in activities such as running.
There are a lot of different ways to treat a blister. How you decide to go about it is mostly a matter of personal choice. One of the most popular treatments is a foot soak, which helps soften the blister and release the fluid inside. A green tea foot soak is even more effective thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the tea.
Another option is to apply something to it. Vaseline is good for small blisters that are just beginning to form by preventing any further friction. Using witch hazel can help dry up larger blisters where Vaseline would not be effective.
Castor oil can be applied to large blisters at night to help dry them up, while apple cider vinegar should be used for blisters that have popped to prevent infection.
Popping blisters is not an ideal solution, but it is an option. The risk of infection is the most important thing to remember when it comes to popping blisters, so make sure that your hands, the needle, and the blister itself are all clean as can be. Running the needle through a flame or rinsing it in alcohol is a good way to achieve this. Remember not to remove the excess skin, and to monitor the blister closely after popping. Apply antibiotic cream to reduce the risk of infection, and monitor the area closely for any white or yellow fluid.
Blisters can be painful, but they're nothing to worry too much about. While we have looked at many different ways to treat blisters, the best thing you can do is prevent them. So if you develop a blister, try to figure out what caused it, and prevent it from recurring.