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Foot Problems Solved With Podiatry

On my walk to work this morning I promised myself to get new comfortable walking shoes. But this would only prove to be a short term solution to my long term foot problems. Unfortunately taking care of our feet here in Ireland is something which the majority of us seem to overlook leading to long term difficulties and a lifetime of uncomfortable yet unnecessary foot pain.

So why do we put up with it? Why is it so taboo to take care of one of the most important parts of our bodies – our feet? Is it sheer laziness? Maybe a little bit of embarrassment comes into play. Or possibly it comes down to a simple lack of knowledge on ways to take care of  our feet and how podiatry can help.

At Spectrum Health and The Physio Company we offer sound experience, from combining our vast knowledge base and passing it directly onto our clients. On your initial consultation we will review, plan and carry out the correct assessments using the appropriate equipment which has proven to provide our foundation for a professional and individualised successful treatment plan in helping our podiatrists ease your feet pain.

Common Conditions such as Aching Feet solved with Podiatry:

  • Bunions
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Fungus Infection– often yellow or badly discoloured toe nails 
  • Gout
  • Shin Splints
  • Warts

Simple Exercises to Relief foot Pain:

For other serious foot problems which may require bio – mechanics or orthotic insoles and until your initial first visit we have compiled a simple exercise list which you can carry out almost anywhere:

  • Ankle Pump Up & Down – Simply pump the foot up and down leveraging at the ankle.
  • Bent Knee Wall Stretch.
  • Straight Knee Wall Stretch.
  • Toe Pick Ups – Try picking up marbles or something similar with your toes.
  • Toe Rise – Just like a ballerina this is a great one for strengthening and conditioning the foot!
  • Ice bottle Massage – Simply rotate and curve a frozen water bottle under desired area for the perfect foot massage!
  • Towel stretch – Sitting down lightly stretch the towel from the ball of your foot towards your body 7 feel it work!