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Foot Care for Seniors

As we get older, our bodies require more and more care in practically every area. Everything from our skin to our bones start to change, and need special attention. But because ageing can cause so many changes, it can be difficult to know how to take care of everything. In this blog, we’re going to be looking at some of the most important factors of foot care for seniors.

Footcare During Pregnancy

There are few experiences, if any, that cause more change to our bodies than pregnancy. Becoming pregnant forces us to reevaluate more or less every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to what we wear. Fortunately, the internet is full of helpful information on how to deal with each and every one of these aspects. In this blog, we’re going to examine how you can take care of your feet during pregnancy.

Benefits of Bamboo Socks

Sufficient foot care is essential for diabetics and is key to preventing infections, injuries and other complications. The importance of suitable clothes goes hand in hand with diet, lifestyle and other health considerations to ensure a healthy individual. Selecting a suitable sock fabric can make all the difference for diabetics, and bamboo socks are the frontrunner in this area.

Are Crocs Good For Your Feet?

For something as banal as shoes, crocs have caused quite the controversy since they were first released in 2002. Many people hate the plastic shoes because they deem them to be unfashionable, while others absolutely adore them because of the comfort they offer. But as we have discussed many times, the types of shoes you wear have an enormous effect on the wellbeing of your feet. So where do crocs lie in that regard?

The Danger of Flats

We’ve all heard about the dangers of wearing high-heels: they can affect your posture, they force your feet into awkward positions, and they’re harder to walk in. While flats may seem like the safer alternative, there are consequences to wearing flats that can be just as detrimental to your health as wearing heels.