Do you have itchy feet? Is it red and scaly? Is it spreading? Do other members of your family have it too? Here we discuss all about athlete’s foot and how to treat and prevent it.
What Is Athlete’s Foot?
It is a fungal infection of the skin that generally starts between your toes but can occur anywhere on the foot. It can also develop alongside fungal nail infections. The term athlete’s foot is a misleading term, as this condition does not only exist among athletes.
How Is It Caused?
Athlete's foot is caused by a type of fungus. Damp socks or shoes alongside warm, humid conditions promote its development due to excessive moisture. Tighter shoes cause friction between the toes, which can cause a break in the skin, where the fungus enters and spreads.
Athlete's foot is contagious. It can spread by skin contact with someone with the infection, or from contaminated surfaces and items, such as towels, footwear and floors. If left untreated, the fungus can spread to other parts of the body.
What Are The Symptoms?
Athlete's foot symptoms vary from person to person. Some people have severe irritation, others have few or no symptoms. Common symptoms include:
Peeling, cracking, flaking, scaling of the feet
Softening and breaking down of the skin, which is white in colour and occurs between the toes
Secondary bacterial infections may develop due to irritation, particularly if you scratch the area.
How To Look After Athlete’s Foot At Home
Over the counter (OTC) anti-fungal treatments aim to kill the fungus causing the infection. This type of medicine is available from pharmacies in several different forms, including:
You should apply OTC treatments as directed in the accompanying leaflets, which you should read before application. Although the symptoms may disappear quickly, this does not necessarily mean you have completely treated the infection. You may have to use your medication for two weeks after your symptoms have resolved to ensure the treatment is successful.
If these OTCs fail to treat the infection, you will need to see your GP for prescription medication.
How To Prevent It
Wash your hands and feet regularly, especially after touching an infected area.
Dry well between the toes.
Do not put moisturiser/emollient between the toes
Attend a podiatry appointment for routine footcare and advice, particularly if you have diabetes.
Be cautious about pedicurists - they are usually not healthcare professionals. If instruments are not sterilised, infections can spread.
Choose breathable footwear.
Wear sweat-absorbing socks such as sports or bamboo socks or change your socks throughout the day.
Do not share towels, mats or footwear.
Treat shoes with antifungal shoe sprays or powder and allow to dry for 24 hours.
Wear footwear e.g. flip flops when in communal areas e.g. swimming pools.
Wash infected socks/hosiery and towels with a laundry disinfectant at a high temperature (taking care not to damage clothing). Temperatures above 60 degrees kills the fungal spores. Otherwise soak socks in boiling water and wash at normal temperature.
If you have sweaty feet, use an antiperspirant and talcum powder.
Ensure you store the OTC treatment appropriately and you use it within the expiry date.
What Can A Podiatrist Do For Me?
A podiatrist can advise you on the best treatment options, depending on the severity of the condition and any medical conditions you may have. They can explain how to prevent infections, as athlete’s foot is very common and can reoccur. It is important to see a podiatrist for a skin infection if you have diabetes, poor circulation, neuropathy (loss of sensation), psoriasis or a weakened immune system. They can distinguish between fungal and bacterial infections. This is important as antifungals will not resolve a case of cellulitis, where antibiotics are needed in a timely manner.
Mayo Clinic. 2020. Athlete's Foot - Symptoms And Causes. [online] Available at: <https: data-preserve-html-node="true"//> [Accessed 22 April 2020].
Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash