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Caring for Dry Feet


One of the most common foot problems that people face is dry feet. Not only do they not look the greatest, they are notoriously hard to get rid of. Some people only get dry feet in the winter, whereas others are cursed with eternal problems of dry, cracked feet. Here, we have laid out some easy homemade remedies for getting your feet soft and beautiful again.

What Causes Dry Feet?

The skin on the body is supplanted with subcutaneous oil glands, whereas the skin covering the foot has no oil glands to keep it moisturised. Thus, the feet are reliant on sweat glands to keep them soft.

For people who do not get time to moisturise their skin daily or are afflicted with some other foot related disease, this can develop into a real problem as the skin dries out really fast. The problems resulting from dry feet can be mild, to severe dry skin that causes health complications. Keeping feet moisturised and avoiding rubbing or scratching can be of help in this manner.

Symptoms of Dry Feet

  • Some of the associated symptoms of dry feet are:
  • Fissures or cracks on the skin
  • Redness and itchiness
  • Rough, flaky and/or peeling skin
  • Rashes

Causes of Dry Feet

Some things known to increase the likelihood of getting dry feet are:

  • Taking hot showers and baths
  • Eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases caused from poor hygiene
  • Diabetes and thyroid
  • Cold weather and air coolers
  • Lower humidity levels
  • Ageing

Complications of Dry Feet

  • Severe dry feet, apart from being extremely painful, can also cause complications like:
  • Skin diseases like dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Impaired ability to walk
  • Impaired ability to stand
  • Itchiness

Home Remedies for Dry Feet

There are a few home remedies that you can try to alleviate the symptoms of dry feet. It should be noted that these are not effective as once off treatments and are best used as part of your daily care routine.

  • Use a moisturising cream daily after bathing with a moisturising soap.
  • Using lemon juice can help to dissolve some of the dead skin and tissue easily and help you to exfoliate for smoother skin. However, ensure that there are no cuts on your skin before trying this technique.
  • Apply olive oil and lavender oil by mixing them to a thick, milky consistency to moisturise the heel of your foot.
  • Use vegetable oil to reduce the dryness in the soles of your feet.
  • Petroleum jelly mixed with lemon juice can also help to exfoliate the skin and make it softer.
  • Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is the best way to ensure that your skin stays soft as well.

With these neat little tricks, you can get soft, smooth feet that are sure to look amazing in sandals or on the beach.