Back Pain
Back pain can be attributed to various different things including structural problems in your feet, walking pattern, running pattern and biomechanical faults in your lower limbs.
Structural problems and biomechanical faults in your feet or lower limbs can cause problems for your back because any misalignment in the lower half of your body has an effect on the upper body and back. The same goes for your gait (the way you walk); if you have an unusual walking or running pattern the impact of your foot hitting the ground can send shocks up through your body which may damage your back. Lower back pain especially can be a direct result of standing for long periods of time and tends to be worse for people with any misalignment or problems with their feet or lower limbs.
Symptoms of Back Pain
Acute back pain can last from a few days to a few weeks, while longer lasting pain is considered chronic.
Specific symptoms of back pain may include:
- Muscle ache
- Shooting or stabbing pain
- Pain that radiates down your leg
- Limited mobility of your back
- Difficulty standing straight
Back Pain Treatment
Our Podiatrist will aim to relieve your back pain as well as discovering the underlying cause of the pain so that they can reduce the chance of it reoccurring. Treatment may include certain exercises and stretches to loosen the muscles and ligaments in the legs and foot which can help to take the strain of the back and reduce the pain. Our Podiatrists may also perform a gait analysis to assess the function and structure of your lower limbs.
From the findings the podiatrist might decide that a pair of custom orthotics designed specifically for your feet might be necessary to eliminate your back pain or a pair of off the shelf orthotics may do the job. Our Podiatrist may also advise on day-to-day footwear and sports footwear to ensure you are receiving the correct amount of support in the correct places to minimize the chance of injury to your back.
Our Expertise
Our team will assess the level of damage to the joint, decide whether it is boney or soft tissue and can be manipulated a little, and then decide on a treatment plan. The level of damage and pain in the joint will determine how it is best treated, and we will be able to offer advice on conservative and surgical treatment options.