01 611 1740 To Make An Appointment or info@spectrumhealth.ie

Foot Problems Solved With Podiatry

At Spectrum Health and The Physio Company we offer sound experience, from combining our vast knowledge base and passing it directly onto our clients. On your initial consultation we will review, plan and carry out the correct assessments using the appropriate equipment which has proven to provide our foundation for a professional and individualised successful treatment plan in helping our podiatrists ease your feet pain.

The Importance of Podiatry and Foot Care

After overindulging in all things nice, but not necessarily healthy around Christmas, it is not surprising that the number one New Year’s resolution amongst the Irish population is to lose weight . Running, whether it be indoor or outdoors, is a popular choice for those wanting to burn calories effectively. But,  before we reluctantly pull on our trainers and mentally prepare for the run ahead, have we thought to check the condition and health of our feet?

Podiatry & Chiropody Services In Waterford Health Park

Last October an article was written in Waterford Today with regard to a new high risk foot care clinic was established to cope with the high volume of foot care patients. The article highlights how over 70% of the patients treated, were seen with complaints relating to diabetes, which is something we specialise with here at Spectrum Health . So today’s blog post is for those who live in Waterford and surrounding counties such as Kilkenny and Waterford.